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Thank you for a good reporting library. #428

Open Zubin opened this topic on on Aug 22, 2018 - 1 comments

Zubin commented on Aug 22, 2018

Hi all,

I have been using KoolReport since version 1.0.0. It helps me very much in creating data report.

From my point of view, KoolReport is very great but not for everyone. For me, it is more than great. it is very suitable for me and those who have basic of programming or anyone who prefer the flexibility in creating reports: choosing your own styles, writing your custom query (very important to me since it let me query more efficiently and do custom processes on the data).

Two processes that I like the most are the Pivot going together with PivotExtract. These two processes are the killing tools to solve many of my complex reports. The PivotExtract allow me to get a two-dimension table within hierarchical pivot table. Then I will draw charts and graphs from there.

The more I worked with it, the more I get used to using code to create report, I feel it is faster than using tools, It is because I can just copy code from a report to another and modify some settings.

As I said earlier, KoolReport is not for everyone. For those who look for drag and drop tools may not feel easy to get started with so please consider. But I am sure that once you get a good grip, you will feel its power.


KoolReport commented on Aug 25, 2018

Thank you very much for your testimonials. We are planning to release a GUI version of KoolReport so that people will find KoolReport easier to use.

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