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Dashboard - FileUploader - fileHandle #3344

Closed Marloes opened this topic on on Sep 25 - 2 comments

Marloes commented on Sep 25

Hi, I have a Dashboard-page with the fileuploader and a button to handle stuff, the default-setting for the button is disabled(true). Is there a way to activate (disabled(false)) the button after a file is uploaded?

BTW: In fileuploader I tried to use

        $name = $file["name"];
        $tmp = $file["tmp_name"];
        //You can do any thing to handle your file here

but it gives me an error.

Thyx in advance. With kind regards, Marloes

Sebastian Morales commented on Sep 26

You can try this server event "FileHandled" function:

    ->registerEvent("FileHandled", function($params) {
        $this->widget("TextBoxDemo")->disabled(true)->update(); // change "TextBoxDemo" to your widget name
Marloes commented on Sep 26

Thx Sebastian, this works great!

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