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Generate Financial Report by using Koolreport #2940

Open Katherine Wong opened this topic on on Jan 12, 2023 - 4 comments

Katherine Wong commented on Jan 12, 2023

Hi, I have a doubt. May I know any current customer using Koolreport to generate accounting reports such as Profit and Loss Statement / Income Statement, Balance Sheet, Cashflow Statement etc?

Because I found it very difficult by using Koolreport to generate the monthly comparison, Quarterly comparison, yearly comparison, especially as P&L and balance sheets.

Could you please advise me?

claratking commented on Feb 10, 2023

One thing to consider is to consult with a specialist. This could be a qualified financial advisor or an accountant who knows the ins and outs of financial statements like Profit and Loss and Balance Sheets.

cfsinc commented on Feb 10, 2023

I use Koolreports to create reporting in my company's financial loan software. Our backend was already PHP, Mysql and our frontend is still the old google web toolkit. GWT. I have to do very complex reports with very complex Options for the reports. I then send them to our software UI for now in an Iframe until we upgrade our UI to a JavaScript framework most likely React at some point.

If you are going to use the koolreports library you need to be extremely good at PHP and MySQL, HTML, CSS and it sure helps to have at least some JavaScript knowledge for tweaking UI and PDF or Print Exports. Also to tweak the source code that is javaScript wrapped with PHP classes.

They have so many examples and there is nothing that comes close to koolreports in the entire world. Nothing!!!

The library is so elaborate and wraps numerous open source 3rd party javaScript libraries into a php code interface. They can not build out every single interface with every library to have all features of the 3rd party libraries but they do it well enough you can build upon it.

I have been developing using koolreports library for 2 years. What they provide is incredible, but you must still be competent in PHP and MySql and javaScript if you need to add or alter the source code.

There is no other php library that does what koolreports does. The limitation is going to be your programing skills to use it and tie in everything to produce your reports but if you are a competent programmer in the areas I have stated you can easily produce anything under the sun accounting report related no mater how complex. Modules datagrid/Datatables, Core, Cube, chartjs, inputs are what 90% of my reports were built from. Just those 5 library modules and Koolreports has 29 library modules total.

cfsinc commented on Feb 10, 2023

Koolreports definitely has all the tools and resources to do anything. If you cant produce your logic in your php/mysql code for the report, then your limit is your knowledge of PHP/MySql areas and not koolreport. This is my experience with koolreports.

cfsinc commented on Feb 10, 2023

I think those of us that use koolreports on a daily basis should join the facebook group https://www.facebook.com/koolreport so we can more easily share information regarding our areas of koolreports and what we have done in those areas that would help others. This support platform here is too limited for sharing like a koolreport users group would be on facebook.

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