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Table Footer Colspan ? #3069

Open Long opened this topic on on Jun 6, 2023 - 1 comments

Long commented on Jun 6, 2023

As in documentation, i can see header colspan, what about footer ? How can i do footer colspan ? Please provide some example.

Sebastian Morales commented on Jun 6, 2023

It's possible with DataTables widget. You can set a particular column's colspan attribute while hiding other columns' footer like this:

        "columns" => [
            "dollar_sales" => [
                "prefix" => "$",
                "footer" => "sum"
            "customerName" => [],
        "attributes" => [
            "tf" => function($colKey, $colMeta) {
                if ($colKey === 'dollar_sales') return [
                    "colspan" => 2,
            'tf' => function($colKey, $colMeta) {
                if ($colKey === 'customerName') return 'display: none';



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