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Really Strange Bug, it is not showing an amount in the column in one situation, but it shows in the other same query #2721

Open paulo opened this topic on on Jun 10, 2022 - 11 comments

paulo commented on Jun 10, 2022

Hi there, I have a report with a complex query that tracks a commission distribution. I have the info in the database, returning properly. One staff can see the info in the report, the other can't. Please help me with this.

MySQL Query:

 select  T.id as tourid, concat_ws('',T.Prefix,' ' ,T.number,' ' ,T.name) as tourname,
                    @PlannerID := T.Planner as PlannerID,
                    @QuoterID := T.Quoter as QuoterID,
                    Sassign.name as AssignTo,
                    TC.id as TCID, TC.tour_id,
                    estimated_sale, TC.vacation_agent as agent,

					(select concat_ws(' ',updated_at,Subject) as activity from activities where Status='Completed' and activatable_type='App\\\Tour' and activatable_id=T.id  order by updated_at desc limit 1 ) as LastUpdate,
                     onedrive_weburl as Sharepoint,
                     @Comm := IFNULL(comm,0) as comm,
                    @Claimed := IFNULL(TC.percent_claimed_current_year,100) as claimed,
                    TC.percent_claimed_current_year,  TC.amount_claimed_current_year,
                    tacct.date_closed as Acct_Date_Closed,
                    @acctCommAdj := ifnull(tacct.commission_adjstment,0) as Acctcomm_adj,

                    @acctReceipts := ifnull(tacct.receipts,0) as Acctreceipts,
					@acctExpenses := ifnull(tacct.expenses,0) as Acctexpenses,
					@acctTourDif := ifnull(tacct.tour_difference,0) as Accttour_difference,

                    @TotalEarnedCommThisYear := ((@Comm * @Claimed / 100) - @acctCommAdj) as TotalEarnedCommThisYear,

                    @acctNetprofit := ifnull(tacct.net_profit,0) as Acctnet_profit,
                    Format(IFNULL(tacct.net_gross_profit,tacct.net_profit*100/@acctReceipts),2) as Acctnet_Perc_profit ,
                    (@acctNetprofit - @acctCommAdj) as AcctEarnedCommThisYear,
                    TC.profile_sharing as ProfitSharingFlag,

                   @PaidPrevYears := ifnull(CASE  WHEN TC.profile_sharing=1  THEN
						(select paid_in_previous_year FROM tour_costing_staff where tour_costing_id=TCID AND staff_id=135)
                     END,0) as PaidPrevYears,

                    @StaffAmount := ifnull((select staff_amount FROM tour_costing_staff where tour_costing_id=TCID AND staff_id=135),0) as StaffAmount,

                     @EarnedCommThisYear := ifnull(CASE  WHEN TC.profile_sharing=1 or NOT T.Quoter <=> T.Planner  THEN
                     END,0) as EarnedCommThisYear,

					@EarnedCommThisYear + @acctTourDif as Balance,
                    @EarnedCommThisYear  as BalanceQuoting,

                     ifnull(CASE  WHEN (TC.profile_sharing=1 or NOT T.Quoter <=> T.Planner) AND @StaffAmount=0   THEN
                     END,0) as EstSharedComm,

                     ifnull(CASE  WHEN (TC.profile_sharing=1 or NOT T.Quoter <=> T.Planner) AND @StaffAmount=0   THEN
                     END,0) as EstSharedCommQuoting,

                    countryname, interest,
                    ST.id, ST.name as status

                    from tours as T
                    left join tour_costing AS TC on TC.tour_id = T.id
					left join tour_accts AS tacct on tacct.tour_id = T.id
                    LEFT join staff as S on S.id = T.Planner
                    left join staff as Sassign on Sassign.id = T.AssignTo

                    join statuses as ST on ST.id = T.status_id

                    LEFT join (SELECT tour_id, GROUP_CONCAT(name SEPARATOR ', ') as interest
							FROM tour_selected_category as catTour
						left join tour_interests AS cat on cat.id = catTour.category_id
                        GROUP BY  tour_id) as interests on interests.tour_id = T.id

					LEFT join (SELECT tour_id, GROUP_CONCAT(name SEPARATOR ', ') as countryname  FROM country_tour
						left join countries AS country on country.id = country_tour.country_id
						GROUP BY  tour_id) as countries on countries.tour_id = T.id
                        WHERE T.tour_status !='0' AND ST.ClosedWMoney is null AND tacct.date_closed is null 
                        AND T.Planner=135 AND ST.noGo is null AND ST.Category='Potential'
                        AND T.id=2335
                    ORDER BY  T.startDate ASC


Query staff ID=184 results:

            "dataSource" => $this->dataStore("queryToursPotentialQuoting"),
            "attributes" => [
                "td" => function ($row, $colKey, $colMeta) {
                    if ($colKey === "LastUpdate") return [
                        "title" => $this->LastUpdate
                    if ($colKey === "comm") return [
                        "title" => $this->GrossCommission
                    if ($colKey === "Acctcomm_adj") return [
                        "title" => $this->TotalPaidPreviousyears
                    if ($colKey === "TotalEarnedCommThisYear") return [
                        "title" => $this->TotalEarnedCommthisyear
                    if ($colKey === "percent_claimed_current_year") return [
                        "title" => $this->ClaimedCurrentYear
                    if ($colKey === "Accttour_difference") return [
                        "title" => $this->AcctTourDifference
                    if ($colKey === "PaidPrevYears") return [
                        "title" => $this->PaidPreviousyears
                    if ($colKey === "EarnedCommThisYear") return [
                        "title" => $this->Earnedcommthisyear
                    if ($colKey === "Balance") return [
                        "title" => $this->Balance
                    if ($colKey === "LastUpdate") return [
                        "title" => $this->LastUpdate
                    if ($colKey === "EstSharedComm") return [
                        "title" => $this->EstSharedComm

                    if ($colKey === "Acctnet_profit") return [
                        "title" => $this->AcctNet_profit
                    if ($colKey === "Acctreceipts") return [
                        "title" => $this->AcctReceiptsexpenses
                    if ($colKey === "AcctEarnedCommThisYear") return [
                        "title" => $this->acctearnedcommthisyear
                    if ($colKey === "tourname") return [
                        "title" => $this->AcctCloseddate

            "options" => array(
                "fixedHeader" => true,
                "searching" => true,
                "colReorder" => true,
                "Responsive" => true,
                "order" => array(
                    array(1, "desc"), //Sort by first column desc
                    array(2, "asc"), //Sort by second column asc
            "showFooter" => "bottom",

            "columns" => array(
                "tourname" => array(
                    "label" => "Tour name",
                    "footerText" => "<b>Grand Totals</b>",
                    "formatValue" => function ($value, $row) {
                        // $tourID = $value; // or = $row["tourid"];
                        $tourID = $row["tourid"];
                        $tourName = $row["tourname"];
                        $acct_closed = $row["Acct_Date_Closed"];

                        $ProfitSharingFlag = $row["ProfitSharingFlag"] == 1 ? '<br/>sharing' : '';
                        if ($acct_closed) {
                            return "<a href='/tour/tours/$tourID'  target='_blank'>$tourName</a> <br/>Acct Closed: $acct_closed $ProfitSharingFlag";
                        } else {
                            return "<a href='/tour/tours/$tourID'  target='_blank'>$tourName</a> $ProfitSharingFlag";
                "status" => array(
                    "label" => "Status",
                "startDate" => array(
                    "label" => "Dept Date",

                "countryname" => array(
                    "label" => "Interest / Destination",
                    "formatValue" => function ($value, $row) {
                        // $tourID = $value; // or = $row["tourid"];
                        $tourID = $row["countryname"];
                        $interest = $row["interest"];
                        return "$interest<br/>$tourID";

                "AssignTo" => array(
                    "label" => "AssignTo",

                "comm" => array(
                    "label" => "Gross Commission",
                    "prefix" => "$",
                    "cssStyle" => "text-align:right",
                    "type" => "number",
                    "decimals" => 2,

                "margin" => array(
                    "label" => "Margin",
                    "type" => "number",
                    "decimals" => 2,
                    "suffix" => "%",
                    "formatValue"=> function($value,$row) {
                        // $tourID = $value; // or = $row["tourid"];
                        $tourID =  $row["tourid"];
                        $TCID = $row["TCID"];
                        $estSale = $row["margin"];
                        $mylink = $TCID?"tour/tour-costing/$TCID/edit":"tour/financial/$tourID";

                        return "<a href='/$mylink' target='_blank'>".number_format($estSale,2)."</a>";

                "Acctcomm_adj" => array(
                    "label" => "Total Paid Previous years",
                    "prefix" => "$",
                    "cssStyle" => "text-align:right",
                    "type" => "number",
                    "decimals" => 2,

                    "footer" => "sum",

                "percent_claimed_current_year" => array(
                    "label" => "% Claimed Current Year",
                    "type" => "number",
                    "cssStyle" => "text-align:right",
                    "decimals" => 2,
                    "suffix" => "%"
                "TotalEarnedCommThisYear" => array(
                    "label" => "Total Earned Comm this year",
                    "prefix" => "$",
                    "cssStyle" => "text-align:right",
                    "type" => "number",
                    "decimals" => 2,
                    "footer" => "sum",

                "PaidPrevYears" => array(
                    "label" => "Paid Previous years",
                    "prefix" => "$",
                    "cssStyle" => "text-align:right",
                    "type" => "number",
                    "decimals" => 2,
                    "footer" => "sum",
                "EarnedCommThisYear" => array(
                    "label" => "Earned Comm This Year",
                    "prefix" => "$",
                    "cssStyle" => "text-align:right",
                    "type" => "number",
                    "decimals" => 2,
                    "footer" => "sum",
                "EstSharedCommQuoting" => array(
                    "label" => "Est Shared Comm",
                    "prefix" => "$",
                    "cssStyle" => "text-align:right",
                    "type" => "number",
                    "decimals" => 2,
                    "footer" => "sum",
                "LastUpdate" => array(
                    "label" => "Sharepoint / LastUpdate",
                    "formatValue" => function ($value, $row) {
                        // $tourID = $value; // or = $row["tourid"];
                        $lastUpdate = $row["LastUpdate"];
                        $sharepoint = $row["Sharepoint"];
                        $mylink = $sharepoint ? "<a href='$sharepoint' target='_blank'>Sharepoint</a><br/>" : "";
                        return " $mylink $lastUpdate";

            "cssClass" => array(
                "table" => "table-bordered table-striped table-hover cell-border compact",
                'tf' => "text-right",
                "td" => function ($row, $colName) {
                    if (in_array($colName, array("Balance", "comm", "margin", "Acctcomm_adj", "EstSharedComm", "PaidPrevYears", "percent_claimed_current_year", "EarnedCommThisYear", "TotalEarnedCommThisYear", "Acctreceipts", "Accttour_difference", "Acctnet_profit", "AcctEarnedCommThisYear"))) {
                        return "text-right";

thank you

paulo commented on Jun 10, 2022
                      WHERE T.tour_status !='0' AND T.Quoter=:plannerNumber AND ST.noGo is null AND ST.Category='Potential'  AND NOT T.Quoter <=> T.Planner
                    ORDER BY  T.startDate ASC

        Log::debug("MYEarnedCommissionV2 queryToursPotentialQuoting=" . $queryToursPotentialQuoting);
Sebastian Morales commented on Jun 13, 2022

In your report view, pls add this command to check the datastore's data:


Let us know if the data is what you expected or not. Tks,

paulo commented on Jun 22, 2022

sorry for the delay, I was away. This must be something with MySQL . After checking your code, it is a very strange error. If I put in the SQL where filtering by the tour id where T.id=2335 AND .. the test, the EarnedCommThisYear shows the amount properly. If I remove the filter by ID which shows all tours, it returns Zero. I know this is outside of the report, by would you have any ide why MySql would treat this differently ? with a list of tours this would be zero, but filtering by one tour the amount is correct? thanks

Sebastian Morales commented on Jun 22, 2022

I guess your amount comes from this expression:

                     @EarnedCommThisYear := ifnull(CASE  WHEN TC.profile_sharing=1 or NOT T.Quoter <=> T.Planner  THEN
                     END,0) as EarnedCommThisYear.

                    @TotalEarnedCommThisYear := ((@Comm * @Claimed / 100) - @acctCommAdj) as TotalEarnedCommThisYear

With filtered T.id and non-filtred T.ids @TotalEarnedCommThisYear changes, thus @EarnedCommThisYear changes, too.

paulo commented on Jul 13, 2022

Hi @Sebastian, thanks for your help. After further investigation, It seems MySQL variable for same random reason is returning zero. The expression below: @StaffAmount := ifnull((select staff_amount FROM tour_costing_staff where tour_costing_id=TCID AND staff_id=135),0) as StaffAmount, has an amount, but when trying to use the variable @StaffAmount later in the statement is returning zero for some strange reason. I read MySql documentation and it seems they don' guarantee the order the statements are executed. But I am not 100% this is the issue as it was working before - maybe it was a MySql upgrade.

Do you have any idea/advise that I could use? I would really appreciate!

IF there any way I can call a Laravel-PHP function before running this report? My immediate reaction is to re-write this whole thing in PHP and store the end-results in a database - unfortunately This is going to be a lot of work !

Thank you very much Paulo

@StaffAmount := ifnull((select staff_amount FROM tour_costing_staff where tour_costing_id=TCID AND staff_id=135),0) as StaffAmount,

                 @EarnedCommThisYear := ifnull(CASE  WHEN TC.profile_sharing=1 or NOT T.Quoter <=> T.Planner  THEN
                 END,0) as EarnedCommThisYear,

				@EarnedCommThisYear + @acctTourDif as Balance,
                @EarnedCommThisYear  as BalanceQuoting,

                 ifnull(CASE  WHEN (TC.profile_sharing=1 or NOT T.Quoter <=> T.Planner) AND @StaffAmount=0   THEN
                 END,0) as EstSharedComm,
Sebastian Morales commented on Jul 14, 2022

Hi Paulo, I see your point about column value executing order issue. Maybe you can compute columns in PHP instead of sql. We have a process called Map which allows users to convert, compute, change data rows however they want:



Pls try it and let us know if you need any guide. Tks,

paulo commented on Jul 14, 2022

Thank you very much. I have used this before... it might work. Is there a way to call a php function before running the report? It is a lot of work to change these queries/reports so I might go on the route of de-normalize. thanks Paulo

Sebastian Morales commented on Jul 15, 2022

Which type of PHP function or code do you want to run? Pls give a specific example so that we can help you how to do it. Tks,

paulo commented on Jul 15, 2022

Hi, sorry, let me try to clarify.. Currently, using Laravel, I don't have the function settings under the class that extends KoolReport. I have the function setup(). My questions is if I add as a first line a call to a php function this.calculateColumns(); inside the function I would do the calculation and store in a table. And then after this line, it would execute the query to pull data from the above calculated field. It should work, correct? Just want to make sure before doing a massive change as this is a very complex report. thanks

Sebastian Morales commented on Jul 18, 2022

In your function calculateColumns(), I assume you execute some sql queries. In such case, do you use your php code or KoolReport's srr(...)->query(...) method?

If it's the former I think it would be ok.

If it's the latter, you would need to call requestDataSending() method at the end of the pipe for the sql query to be execute right away:

function calculateColumns()
paulo commented on Jul 19, 2022

thank you. I will take a look at this and see best approach. Might need to perform the way you are describing above with requestDataSending... or process the data before calling the report. thanks

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