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Replacing missing values after LeftJoin #1863

Closed MarkoS opened this topic on on Jan 24, 2021 - 8 comments

MarkoS commented on Jan 24, 2021

Hi all,

I am using LeftJoin to merge two dataStores and display graph as attached below.

Simple example of query

   $myData= $this->src('automaker')
                LIMIT 12                

And I join data in the View with:

$new_store = $this->dataStore('spojene_star_pret')->leftJoin($this->dataStore('spojene_trenutna'),array(

The thing is that query above (year 2021) does not return all 12 entries (12 months data) and it contains only (as marked with arrow on image below) Jan data. For that reason, graph does not show names of all months. You can see "null" on the side. Only Jan is display.

I am wondering how to fix that? I was thinking to re-create $myData and inject missing months, values with something like this:

$aktuelna = array(
  array( "Datum" => "Jan", "Kolicina" => 23135, "PrometAktuelna" => 2224.96, "Dobavljac" => 1675 ),
  array( "Datum" => "Feb", "Kolicina" => 0, "PrometAktuelna" => 0.00, "Dobavljac" => 0 ),
  array( "Datum" => "Mar", "Kolicina" => 0, "PrometAktuelna" => 0.00, "Dobavljac" => 0 ),
  array( "Datum" => "Apr", "Kolicina" => 0, "PrometAktuelna" => 0.00, "Dobavljac" => 0 ),
                   // ....
                   // .....

I have tried but does not work with this array. I believe there is easier way to get desired result.

KoolReport commented on Jan 25, 2021

It seems to me that there is no choice other than building custom data with full 12 entries and then you can replace item in the entries with existed item (real data).

MarkoS commented on Jan 26, 2021

Yeah I was thinking that. But not really sure how to "map" them together. In the way to make static array of data like below:

$blankArray= array(
  array( "Datum" => "Jan", "Kolicina" => 0, "PrometAktuelna" => 0.00, "Dobavljac" => 0),
  array( "Datum" => "Feb", "Kolicina" => 0, "PrometAktuelna" => 0.00, "Dobavljac" => 0 ),
  array( "Datum" => "Mar", "Kolicina" => 0, "PrometAktuelna" => 0.00, "Dobavljac" => 0 ),
  array( "Datum" => "Apr", "Kolicina" => 0, "PrometAktuelna" => 0.00, "Dobavljac" => 0 ),
  array( "Datum" => "May", "Kolicina" => 0, "PrometAktuelna" => 0.00, "Dobavljac" => 0 ),
  array( "Datum" => "Jun", "Kolicina" => 0, "PrometAktuelna" => 0.00, "Dobavljac" => 0 ),
  array( "Datum" => "Jul", "Kolicina" => 0, "PrometAktuelna" => 0.00, "Dobavljac" => 0 ),
  array( "Datum" => "Aug", "Kolicina" => 0, "PrometAktuelna" => 0.00, "Dobavljac" => 0 ),
  array( "Datum" => "Sep", "Kolicina" => 0, "PrometAktuelna" => 0.00, "Dobavljac" => 0 ),
  array( "Datum" => "Oct", "Kolicina" => 0, "PrometAktuelna" => 0.00, "Dobavljac" => 0 ),
  array( "Datum" => "Nov", "Kolicina" => 0, "PrometAktuelna" => 0.00, "Dobavljac" => 0 ),
  array( "Datum" => "Dec", "Kolicina" => 0, "PrometAktuelna" => 0.00, "Dobavljac" => 0 ),

And than update it's values by index if data is found in $myData store:


I would end up with merged data in data store __ $this->dataStore("data_merged") __ which should contain all "Datum" values (month names) and "kolicina", "PrometAktuelna" left as 0.00 if hasn't been changed. Later on I can use LeftJoin to connect with other data etc.

I am not quiet sure how to make this work to be honest. Would you be able to help?

KoolReport commented on Jan 27, 2021

You do this in the view:

$months = ["Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"];

//Create blank result array in associate format
$result = [];
foreach($months as $month) {
    $result[$month] = array(
        "Datum" => $month, 
        "Kolicina" => 0, 
        "PrometAktuelna" => 0.00, 
        "Dobavljac" => 0

//Fill in the real data
foreach($this->dataStore("spojene_trenutna") as $row) {
    $result[$row["Datum"]] = $row;

//Convert associate array to normal array
$result = array_values($result);

And then you can visualize data in chart like this:


Hope that helps.

MarkoS commented on Jan 28, 2021

Thanks for reply. It does makes difference, but does not work as expected.

Here is my setup:

$stara = $this->src('automaker')
                $prethodna = $this->src('automaker')
                // connect first two into one
                $stara_prethodna = new Join($stara,$prethodna,array("Datum"=>"Datum")); 

I've cut out query as it isn't important. I am joining two datastores inside Setup function, and third is passed over together in view. Than I run LeftJoin like below. That's only way I found to get this sort of data. As you can see, query runs three different tables. Than result have to merged and displayed in graph.

I have this in view:

$new_store = $this->dataStore('spojene_star_pret')->leftJoin($this->dataStore('spojene_trenutna'),array(

I have tried this in the view:

$months = ["Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"];

                //Create blank result array in associate format
                $result = [];
                foreach($months as $month) {
                    $result[$month] = array(
                        "Datum" => $month, 
                        "Kolicina" => 0, 
                        "PrometAktuelna" => 0.00, 
                        "Dobavljac" => 0
                //Fill in the real data
                foreach($this->dataStore("spojene_trenutna") as $row) {
                    $result[$row["Datum"]] = $row;
                //Convert associate array to normal array
                $result_filled = array_values($result);
                $new_store = $this->dataStore('spojene_star_pret')->leftJoin($result_filled,array(



                    "label"=>"Količina 2021 (kom)",
                    "label"=>"Promet 2021 (KM)",
                    "label"=>"Promet 2020 (KM)",
                    "label"=>"Promet 2019 (KM)",

But does not work :(

KoolReport commented on Jan 28, 2021

$result_filled is not DataStore object so you can not do leftJoin with it. Let do this:

$new_store = $this->dataStore('spojene_star_pret')->leftJoin(
    new \koolreport\core\DataStore($result_filled),
KoolReport commented on Jan 28, 2021

But, in my opinion, may be you should do leftJoin in reverse way:

$new_store = (new \koolreport\core\DataStore($result_filled))->leftJoin(

just my feelings only

MarkoS commented on Jan 28, 2021

Yeeeee! :D :D Sorted :D Ohh excellent! And I've learned something today. Using new datastore like that to get proper format. Nice!

new \koolreport\core\DataStore($result_filled),

Thanks a lot!

KoolReport commented on Jan 28, 2021


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