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ClientRowGroup not grouping ? #1759

Open paulo opened this topic on on Dec 14, 2020 - 18 comments

paulo commented on Dec 14, 2020

Hi, Now that it seems I was able to make it work with API and JSON: #Topic 840 I am trying to group the results using DataTables and clientRowGroup.

Results are showing as a flat table without being grouped by the name. For instance, I have two rows for 'Bus Operations Limited'
I thought based on the example, I could see one top row with the total and then expand and see each record individually. Example that I am following: Client RowGroup

What am I doing wrong? Thanks


        "showFooter" => "true",
        "dataStore" => $this->dataStore('result'),
        "themeBase"=>"bs4", // Optional option to work with Bootsrap 4
            "table"=>"table table-striped table-bordered"

      "columns" => ["name",
            "amountFormatted" => array(
                "label" => "amountFormatted",
                "prefix" => "$",
                "footer" => "sum",
                "footerText" => "<b>@value</b>"
            "profile_LinkNo", "currencyCode",

        "clientRowGroup" => [
            "name" => [
                'direction' => 'asc',
                'calculate' => [
                    'totalAmount' => [
                        'sum',  //'sum', 'count', 'avg', 'min', 'max'
                "top" => "<td colspan='999'>{expandCollapseIcon} Top: Customer: {name} | Total: {totalAmount}</td>",
                "bottom" => "<td colspan='999'>{expandCollapseIcon} Bottom: Customer: {name} | Customer sales: {totalAmount}</td>",

        "cssClass" => array(
            "table" => "table-bordered table-striped table-hover cell-border compact",
            'tf' => "text-right",
            "td"=>function($row,$colName) {
                if (in_array($colName, array("amountFormatted", "profile_LinkNo")))
                    return "text-right";
Sebastian Morales commented on Dec 16, 2020

Paulo, if you use our client row group example, does it work on your machine?

paulo commented on Dec 17, 2020

No, it still doesn't work. I copied exactly what it is in the example and it still shows as a flat table. I am using Laravel, here is the code:


"koolreport/blade": "*",
    "koolreport/excel": "*",
    "koolreport/export": "*",
    "koolreport/pro": "*",


use koolreport\processes\CalculatedColumn; use koolreport\processes\Sort;

namespace App\Reports\TRAMS;

use App\Staff;

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log; use koolreport\bootstrap4\Theme;

use koolreport\export\Exportable; use koolreport\KoolReport; use koolreport\laravel\Friendship; use Auth; use App\User; use koolreport\processes\CalculatedColumn; use koolreport\processes\Group; use koolreport\processes\Map; use koolreport\processes\Sort;

class DataTableclientRowGroup extends KoolReport {

use Friendship;
use Theme;
use Exportable;

use \koolreport\inputs\Bindable;

use \koolreport\inputs\POSTBinding;
// use \koolreport\export\Exportable;
use \koolreport\excel\ExcelExportable;

function setup()
    Log::debug("DataTableclientRowGroup init");
        ->query('select * from customer_product_dollarsales2')
        ->pipe(new \koolreport\processes\Limit(array(200, 0)))



<?php use \koolreport\datagrid\DataTables; ?> <div class="report-content">

<div class="text-center">
    <p class="lead">
        How to use client-based row group with DataTables
    tr[role="row"] td:first-child {
        padding-left: 50px;
    "themeBase"=>"bs4", // Optional option to work with Bootsrap 4
        "table"=>"table table-striped table-bordered"
    "columns" => ["customerName", "productLine", "productName", "dollar_sales"],
    "clientRowGroup" => [
        "customerName" => [
            'direction' => 'asc',
            'calculate' => [
                'totalSales' => [
                    'sum',  //'sum', 'count', 'avg', 'min', 'max'
            "top" => "<td colspan='999'>{expandCollapseIcon} Top: Customer: {customerName} | Total: {totalSales}</td>",
            "bottom" => "<td colspan='999'>{expandCollapseIcon} Bottom: Customer: {customerName} | Customer sales: {totalSales}</td>",
        "productLine" => [
            'direction' => 'desc',
            'calculate' => [
                'totalSales' => ['sum', 'dollar_sales',
                    "format" => "function(value) {return value.toFixed(3);}",
                'avgSales' => [
                    'field' => 'dollar_sales',
                    "aggregate" => "function(rows, group, aggFieldIndex) {
                        return rows
                        .reduce( function (a, b) {
                            return a + 1*b.replace(/[^\d\.]/g, '');
                        }, 0) / rows.count()}",
                    "format" => "function(value) {return value.toFixed(5);}",
                'countSales' => ['count', 'dollar_sales'],
                'minSales' => ['min', 'dollar_sales'],
                'maxSales' => ['max', 'dollar_sales'],
            "top" => "<td colspan='999'>{expandCollapseIcon} Top: Line: {productLine} | Total: {totalSales} | Avg: {avgSales} | Count: {countSales} | Min: {minSales} | max: {maxSales}</td>",
            // "bottom" => "<td colspan='999'>{expandCollapseIcon} Bottom: Line: {productLine} | Line sales: {totalSales}</td>",
    "options" => [
        "paging" => true,
        "searching" => true,
        "pageLength" => 25,


paulo commented on Dec 17, 2020

And just to be sure, I ran again: composer install composer update --lock --with-dependencies

but nothing new came up.... my composer shows as a label as part of the ide phpStorm:

    "koolreport/blade": "*", 1.0.0
    "koolreport/excel": "*", 7.2.0
    "koolreport/export": "*", 4.1.0
    "koolreport/pro": "*", 4.7.1
paulo commented on Dec 17, 2020

I did generated a new token, updated auth.json, ran same commands again. No change....

Sebastian Morales commented on Dec 17, 2020

Oh, I see. DataTables' clientRowGroup property is only available in the newest version of Datagrid, v5.0.0 or KoolReport Pro v5.0.0. Please update either Datagrid or KoolReport Pro to see it works. And remember that to update to the new version you need to generate a new token. Let us know if you can't update. Cheers,

paulo commented on Dec 17, 2020

here again, sorry for this, after I generated the new token, I ran the command composer update --with-dependencies and this time it did get updated. So, things are in a group now, however the "+" "-" are not collapsing/expanding. Here is the error in the browser console: thanks

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 () KRDataTables.css:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 () KoolReport.js:106 TypeError: Cannot read property 'create' of undefined

at Reporting:DataTableclientRowGroup:284
at KoolReport.js:105
at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
at Object.checkScriptsAndCallback (KoolReport.js:102)
at Object.onScriptLoaded (KoolReport.js:88)

3Reporting:DataTableclientRowGroup:1 Uncaught ReferenceError: KRdatatables5fdace95b3f6d1 is not defined

at HTMLSpanElement.onclick (Reporting:DataTableclientRowGroup:1)

KRDataTables.css:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 ()

paulo commented on Dec 17, 2020

thanks Sebastian, I did know that I had to generate a new token. I did that now, thank you. Now, I am getting the error above. Any idea/suggestion? thanks

Sebastian Morales commented on Dec 17, 2020

Can you post the link of KoolReport.js and KRDataTables.css on your browser console which can't be loaded?

paulo commented on Dec 17, 2020

I am not sure if I am getting this right, but here is what I receive in the log, and when I click on the file, that is what I get local also on the test server.

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 () /koolreport_assets/js/KRDataTables.js:1


https://dev.ellisontravel.com/koolreport_assets/js/KRDataTables.js Link links points to a: 404 WE CAN’T SEEM TO FIND THE PAGE YOU’RE LOOKING FOR

<script type='text/javascript' src='/koolreport_assets/3157288213/KoolReport.js'></script><script type='text/javascript'>KoolReport.load.resources({"js":["\/koolreport_assets\/417790547\/jquery.min.js",["\/koolreport_assets\/193717318\/js\/bootstrap.bundle.min.js"]],"css":["\/koolreport_assets\/193717318\/css\/bootstrap.min.css"]});</script><div class="report-content">

<div class="text-center">

thank you

Sebastian Morales commented on Dec 18, 2020

Can you verify that the path koolreport_assets/js/KRDataTables.js exists in your Laravel's public folder. If it doesn't please make sure that your php user has writable access to your public folder and delete the current folder public/koolreport_assets and open your page again to see if it can load new resource files.

paulo commented on Dec 18, 2020

No. I an find this file under \vendor\koolreport\datagrid\js\KRDataTables.js

I've deleted koolreport_assets folder locally. Re-start server, ran example, new folders were created under this folder but problem is still exists so problem is not the writes in this folder.

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) :8000/koolreport_assets/js/KRDataTables.js:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) KoolReport.js:106 TypeError: Cannot read property 'create' of undefined

at Reporting:DataTableclientRowGroup:284
at KoolReport.js:105
at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
at Object.checkScriptsAndCallback (KoolReport.js:102)
at Object.onScriptLoaded (KoolReport.js:88)

2Reporting:DataTableclientRowGroup:1 Uncaught ReferenceError: KRdatatables5fdc2a19a8cde1 is not defined

at HTMLSpanElement.onclick (Reporting:DataTableclientRowGroup:1)

KRDataTables.css:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)

Sebastian Morales commented on Dec 18, 2020

Paulo, there seems to be a problem with copying some resource files of DataTables to Laravel public folder. We will fix it in the next patch of Datagrid package. Meanwhile you could try the following method:

  1. Copy vendor/koolreport/datagrid/js/KRDataTables.js to vendor/koolreport/datagrid/DataTables/KRDataTables.js
  2. Copy vendor/koolreport/datagrid/css/KRDataTables.css to vendor/koolreport/datagrid/DataTables/KRDataTables.css
  3. Open the file koolreport/datagrid/DataTables.php and replace all "../js/KRDataTables.js" with "KRDataTables.js" and "../css/KRDataTables.css" with "KRDataTables.css"

Then run your page again and let us know the result.

paulo commented on Dec 18, 2020

I did this locally and got the following Browser console error: KoolReport.js:80 GET http://localhost:8000/koolreport_assets/3578238540/KRDataTables.js net::ERR_ABORTED 404 (Not Found) registerScript @ KoolReport.js:80 (anonymous) @ KoolReport.js:40 js @ KoolReport.js:39 (anonymous) @ KoolReport.js:37 (anonymous) @ KoolReport.js:105 checkScriptsAndCallback @ KoolReport.js:102 onScriptLoaded @ KoolReport.js:88 load (async) registerScript @ KoolReport.js:78 (anonymous) @ KoolReport.js:40 js @ KoolReport.js:39 resources @ KoolReport.js:12 (anonymous) @ Reporting:DataTableclientRowGroup:1 KoolReport.js:185 GET http://localhost:8000/koolreport_assets/3578238540/KRDataTables.css net::ERR_ABORTED 404 (Not Found) registerLink @ KoolReport.js:185 (anonymous) @ KoolReport.js:145 css @ KoolReport.js:144 (anonymous) @ KoolReport.js:151 (anonymous) @ KoolReport.js:207 checkLinksAndCallback @ KoolReport.js:206 onLinkLoaded @ KoolReport.js:193 load (async) registerLink @ KoolReport.js:183 (anonymous) @ KoolReport.js:154 css @ KoolReport.js:153 resources @ KoolReport.js:16 init @ KoolReport.js:217 (anonymous) @ Reporting:DataTableclientRowGroup:140 KoolReport.js:106 TypeError: Cannot read property 'create' of undefined

at Reporting:DataTableclientRowGroup:284
at KoolReport.js:105
at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
at Object.checkScriptsAndCallback (KoolReport.js:102)
at Object.onScriptLoaded (KoolReport.js:88)
paulo commented on Dec 18, 2020

just so you know, I manually copied KRDataTables.js and KRDataTables.css files to /public/koolreport_assets/3578238540/ folder and it worked. So, the issue seems to be copying the files. Thanks

paulo commented on Dec 18, 2020

as you are trying to fix this, I'd appreciate if you could please include a fix for: https://www.koolreport.com/forum/topics/1776

thank you !

Sawan Ruparel commented on Aug 26, 2021

I tried to copy files to folder but it is not working. Please help.

Sebastian Morales commented on Aug 27, 2021

Sawan, do you use any framework like Laravel, Symphony, etc? If you do, pls use our companion package like:


Sawan Ruparel commented on Aug 27, 2021

yes. I used laravel. I copied files manually to respective folder and its working now. Thanks !!

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